

Q and A


Questions about waves in general or about the menu of services, such as NewScan and GodCleaner.
Answers to questions about wave therapy and detoxification, electromagnetic grounding sheets and other electromagnetic products, LifeWave and other products, and more.

If you are a first-time customer, it would be easier for you to understand how to make an appointment and the flow of services prior to visiting our salon.

Questions are categorized into menus, products, and salons. We will update your questions as needed.

Menu FAQs

Organic Artemisia Steam questions about

QAre there showers in the restaurant?
We are very sorry. We do not provide showers.
It is usually recommended to wipe off the sweat from mugwort steaming without taking a shower in order to maintain the original effect of mugwort on the body.
QI am new to mugwort steaming, but I am interested in it.
Thank you very much. Please check the menu page and confirm the details before you receive the menu.
Once you have made an appointment, our staff will give you a detailed explanation on the day of your treatment.
QI was told it would help with stiff shoulders, so I looked for it.
The effects of mugwort steaming are not limited to stiff shoulders.
As a result, the muscles of the body will be warmed and loosened by the ingredients of mugwort, and the range of motion of the shoulder area, arms, legs, and other joints will be expanded.

When you get out of the sauna at a bathhouse, you may feel your body soften, similar to that feeling.
QHow much can it detoxify?
There are differences in detoxification from person to person, and unfortunately, we cannot clearly tell you the amount of detoxification by numbers or other means.

Mugwort steaming makes the body warm from the core, which improves the body's metabolism, blood circulation, and lymph circulation.
If waste materials are stagnant in the lymph and blood vessels in the body, they will be washed away and become urine and stools, and will be discharged out of the body.
This is the image of the body being discharged out of the body.
QCan men do mugwort steaming?
It is of course possible for men as well.
For men, the steam only enters through the anus of the buttocks, so they may not feel the effects as much as women.
It is also recommended for those who suffer from hemorrhoids.
QI am pregnant. Can I do Mugwort Steam?
Thank you very much. We have decided that it is better for pregnant women to refrain from having the Mugwort Steam. Please understand that.
QI am wondering if I will get detox from others.
Thank you very much.
Our salon is a private salon, so we do not do Mugwort Steaming with other customers at a time.
In addition, we take care to ventilate the salon after using menus such as Mugwort Steaming, so we try to provide ventilation for a certain period of time for the windows, as well as a safe and pleasant salon where you can relax at any time.
QHow long should mugwort steaming last for?
The purpose of mugwort steaming is to make the roasted mugwort into steam to be absorbed by the body.
This is only a guide for our salon, but we consider 40 minutes per session as a standard.

Voice Scanning questions about

QDoes the result differ between the condition when the throat is dry and the condition when the voice is normal?
Yes, it will change.
Please request this service when your voice can be heard as it normally is.

If you are wearing power stones or essential oils, the results of the voice scan will be different.
We ask that you try to vocalize your voice as much as possible in your usual state.
QIt is too far to visit you, but would it be possible for you to look at the audio data alone?
Yes, it is possible.
If you send us your voice data using this form, we will create a PDF of the voice scan results and send it back to your email.
QI would like to do a thorough self-analysis so that I can be selected for an interview. Are there any precautions to take when recording your voice?
If you are wearing something that generates energy, such as a power stone or essential oil, the results will change.
If you take them off and record them, we believe that the customer's potential will show up in their voice.
QDoes the subconscious mind remain the same or does it change?
The subconscious changes with time.
This is easier to understand when we understand how the subconscious is created.

To begin with, the subconscious mind (which is said to include karma from previous lives) is an unconscious realm that we cannot be aware of.
The subconscious mind as an adult is different from the subconscious mind as a child, because what we experience at that time is different from each other, so the subconscious mind is also different.

Therefore, the subconscious changes.
QDo you know about your past, such as past lives?
I am sorry. We are not aware of such a thing.
QHow can we know the future?
Unfortunately, there is no way to know your specific future, such as ●● will happen tomorrow morning.
By analyzing your voice, we can determine your personality traits, nature and habits, and
We can give you an abstract image of the future.

For example, we can advise you on the right job for you.

GOD-CLEANER-GOLD questions about

QWhat is the white powder you put in when you put on the feet?
The white powder is a salt from Mexico called sun-dried salt. Its trade name is enzyme salt (kosoen).
This salt is characterized by its very fine and silky texture and low bittern content.
The less bittern, the more stable the detoxification results are, which makes this salt the best choice for God Cleaner salt.
(Ordinary salt can be substituted, but we refrain from using it because it causes uneven detoxification results.)
QWhy can't I make a phone call on my smart phone while doing God-Cleaner?
In our salon, the use of smart phones is fine except for phone calls (talking on the phone).
The reason for this is that God Cleaner products are susceptible to electromagnetic waves due to their product characteristics.

If the God Cleaner is affected by electromagnetic waves, it will lead to malfunction of the God Cleaner.
It may also affect the customer's detoxification process and make it difficult to produce color.

Therefore, we try to provide an environment that is not affected by electromagnetic waves as much as possible.
We have many books available for your enjoyment, and we recommend reading them.
QWhy can't I make a phone call on my smart phone while doing God Cleaner?
In our salon, the use of smart phones is fine except for phone calls (talking on the phone).
The reason for this is that God Cleaner products are susceptible to electromagnetic waves due to their product characteristics.

If the God Cleaner is affected by electromagnetic waves, it will lead to malfunction of the God Cleaner.
It may also affect the customer's detoxification process and make it difficult to produce color.

Therefore, we try to provide an environment that is not affected by electromagnetic waves as much as possible.
We have many books available for your enjoyment, and we recommend reading them.
QCan I rent (borrow) a God Cleaner?
We are very sorry, but as of October 2022, we are not considering renting or leasing at this time.
If you are interested in purchasing, please contact us separately.
Please also contact us if you would like to try out God Cleaner before purchasing.
QMy workplace is very affected by the shedding, and it's very painful.
Yes, sir. I would be happy to give you a consultation and I would suggest that you detox with a God Cleaner or similar.
If it is your first time, I think it would be better for us to check the whole process together with a new scan as well.

Newscan questions about

QI've been hearing a lot about wave therapy lately, but what is it? I am not sure. What is wave motion anyway?
Waves are actually very close to our lives.
For example, have you ever thrown a stone into the water at a riverside or in the ocean?
At that time, you probably heard a clunking sound and saw ripples of water spreading out.
In fact, this is the ripple itself.

Other familiar examples are sound and light, which are also waves.
We live in a world where our lives would not be possible without waves.
QI would like to know the principle of wave motion.
Simply put, waves are like ripples on water.
Please refer to this page for an explanation.
For further principles, there are a wide variety of books and research papers on the subject, so please do your own research.
QI am having trouble sleeping at night. Can I improve this problem with wave therapy?
We have examples of customers who have been able to sleep better not only with NuScan but also with a combination of other treatments, so please let us know your story in detail.
QI have knee pain. I have pain in my knee especially when I bend over, but I would like to have it looked at with a new scan.
Yes, sir. We will check your body condition with a focus on your knees. We look forward to seeing you at our store.
QIs there really an aura?
Our staff cannot visually see the aura, but we can confirm the condition of the aura by researching with Newscan.
Auras have names, such as etheric karma, depending on their size.
The smallest form of aura is an aura that is about the size of a three-meter radius when you reach out your hand.
A clean aura has no dents and is beautifully egg-shaped, covering the whole body.
QWe would like to receive data on your research results.
We are very sorry, but if we give you data, it will be diagnostic, so we do not give you anything.
We ask that you make a note of what you need to know.
QHow long does the wave water last?
Wave motion water lasts for about two weeks, which does not mean that the wave motion will disappear after two weeks.
After two weeks, your body will have changed, and that is why we set the standard at two weeks.

It is best to drink it in water as much as possible, but you can also add it to other drinking water, soups, etc.
When storing wave water, please avoid places with strong electromagnetic waves as much as possible.
QI would like to know more about Newscan.
Please check our Newscan product page. If you are interested in more about Newscan than that, please contact us through our contact form. We will be happy to discuss your needs individually.
QI am atopic and have redness on my face and even my neck. I would like to change my body so that I don't have to rely on steroids or medication. Can I improve it?
We look forward to working with you to help you become as drug-free as possible to meet your needs.
First, we look forward to seeing you at our store.
QI am concerned about wrinkles on my face. I want to look more youthful than I do now.
After a thorough consultation, we will take a look at your condition with a new scan.
We may also recommend LifeWave patches in parallel.
QI have a bad back, just sitting down causes me a lot of pain, I would like to have it looked at with a Newscan.
Yes, sir. We will do our research on Newscan.
In some cases, we may want to consider a LIFEWAVE ice wave response immediately.
Please let us check your condition first.
QI am very sensitive to electromagnetic radiation. Could you tell us more about it?
Yes, sir. We are also a licensed electromagnetic wave measurer. We look forward to seeing you at our store. Please tell us your story thoroughly during the initial consultation.
QThis is my first time, but I am very curious. I am afraid of an upturn reaction and am not sure I can take the plunge, but will it be ok?
Thank you for contacting us. No problem.
Even if you are taking a lot of medications, we have a program that will allow you to proceed with detoxification efficiently while minimizing as much as possible the adverse reactions.
After counseling, we will carefully listen to you and make suggestions based on your needs.

For example, if you want to detoxify your body all at once in a short period of time. For example, if you want to detoxify your body in a short period of time, it is essential to use LifeWave patches and God Cleaner together.
For those who have atopic dermatitis and want to detoxify as quickly as possible while controlling the itchiness, we will make suggestions including water, food, and living environment.
QHow long will it take?
The first time will take 60 to 90 minutes.
QDo you need to bring anything?
No, it is not necessary. We are not able to print out the research results, so if you are able, please bring a notebook or notes so that you can make your own notes.
Other than that, we will provide everything you need.
QI am atopic, but after the NuScan I became very itchy. Is this the kind of turnaround reaction you mentioned?
If you have increased itching from the NuScan treatment, you are probably experiencing a turnaround.

The process of improving the atopic condition inevitably causes itching, once detoxified to release toxins.
This condition is a turnaround reaction. There is a method to proceed while suppressing the itchiness, so please contact us if you are extremely itchy.

After the treatment, we will contact each client individually on a regular basis.
QI would like to request a newscan. Do I need to bring anything?
No, it is not necessary. We are not able to print out the research results, so if you are able, please bring a notebook or notes so that you can make your own notes.
Other than that, we will provide everything you need.
QI would like to request a Newscan. Do I need to bring anything?
No, it is not necessary. We are not able to print out the research results, so if you are able, please bring a notebook or notes so that you can make your own notes.
Other than that, we will provide everything you need.
QWhy do I feel like I look a little younger with Newscan?
Thank you for your interest in Newscan.
Yes, youth is hard to describe because it is perceived differently by each of us.

For example, don't you have the impression that a healthy person always looks young?
Even though they may have wrinkles with age, they still walk briskly down the street or have a straight back.
When you talk to them, you get the impression that they are well organized.

Such people who are conscious of their health on a daily basis are
The actual age and the age that others perceive from their appearance may be a little different.

Product FAQs

QLifeWave Questions
LifeWave Answer.
What is LifeWave?
LifeWave is the generic name for the patches (stickers) developed by Mr. David Schmidt (Founder and CEO of LifeWave) that do not cause side effects.
LifeWave patches are medical devices with more than 100 patents and over 80 product evidences in the U.S., Japan, and other countries.
QWhat is a LifeWave patch? Is it some sort of magnetic or electric powered thing?
The material of the patch is nanocrystal crystals, e.g.
Crystals, or quartz crystals.
The patch itself is not magnetized or electrically charged.
It is a state-of-the-art, high-tech medical device that is activated simply by applying the patch.
QI recently became a member of LifeWave. I purchased in bulk and would like to know how to store it.
LifeWave patches are said to be susceptible to electromagnetic radiation.
Please store the patches in the box, then wrap them in aluminum foil.
It is even better if you store them as far away from appliances as possible.
QThere are patches sold cheaply on auction sites such as Me*Cali and Y*hoo, but are they genuine?
We are very sorry. We cannot determine if the items sold at auction in our store are genuine or not.
We do not recommend selling items on auction sites because they are sold from private individuals.

Our salon recommends that you purchase from a LifeWave retail store rather than from an auction site for the following reasons.

1 It is impossible to determine whether the product is genuine or fake.
2 There is a possibility of expiration of effectiveness and efficacy due to lack of management
3 No post-purchase support, such as where to apply the product
4 Cannot hear many cases and examples
5 Cannot receive membership benefits.
QHow long should I keep applying the patch?
We are telling you that the minimum is 3 months.
Why do we tell you to keep the patch on for a minimum of three months? Well, as for the reason....
Most people who have continued to use the patch for three months have experienced some kind of change in their bodies, and most of them feel that they are improving.
(98 out of 100 people who raised their hands at the Life Wave seminar answered that there was an improvement or change.)
What is LifeWave?
LifeWave is the generic name for the patches (stickers) developed by Mr. David Schmidt (Founder and CEO of LifeWave) that do not cause side effects.
LifeWave patches are medical devices with more than 100 patents and over 80 product evidences in the U.S., Japan, and other countries.
QWhat is a LifeWave patch? Is it some sort of magnetic or electric powered thing?
The material of the patch is nanocrystal crystals, e.g.
Crystals, or quartz crystals.
The patch itself is not magnetized or electrically charged.
It is a state-of-the-art, high-tech medical device that is activated simply by applying the patch.
QI recently became a member of LifeWave. I purchased in bulk and would like to know how to store it.
LifeWave patches are said to be susceptible to electromagnetic radiation.
Please store the patches in the box, then wrap them in aluminum foil.
It is even better if you store them as far away from appliances as possible.
QThere are patches sold cheaply on auction sites such as Me*Cali and Y*hoo, but are they genuine?
We are very sorry. We are unable to determine if items sold at auction in our store are genuine or not.
We do not recommend selling items on auction sites because they are sold from private individuals.

Our salon recommends that you purchase from a LifeWave retail store rather than from an auction site for the following reasons.

1 It is impossible to determine whether the product is genuine or fake.
2 There is a possibility of expiration of effectiveness and efficacy due to lack of management
3 No post-purchase support, such as where to apply the product
4 Cannot hear many cases and examples
5 Cannot receive membership benefits.
QHow long should I keep applying the patch?
We are telling you that the minimum is 3 months.
Why do we tell you to keep the patch on for a minimum of three months? Well, as for the reason....
Most people who have continued to use the patch for three months have experienced some kind of change in their bodies, and most of them feel that they are improving.
(98 out of 100 people who raised their hands at the Life Wave seminar answered that there was an improvement or change.)

Salon FAQs

QStore Questions
Store Answer
QSorry. I'm having a little trouble finding my way to the store.
We are very sorry. It may be difficult to find our salon because it is located in a residential area.
We will provide detailed directions to the salon only to customers who have made a reservation.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but we would be happy if you could make a reservation and check the URL in the automatic e-mail.
QI would like to make a reservation for two people.
Please fill out the reservation form with the name and address of the representative person(s) and select the menu you would like to order.
Please select the menu items you would like to reserve.
QSorry. I'm having a little trouble finding my way to the store.
We are very sorry. It may be difficult to find our salon because it is located in a residential area.
We will provide detailed directions to the salon only to customers who have made a reservation.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but we would be happy if you could make a reservation and check the URL in the automatic e-mail.
QI would like to make a reservation for two people.
I would like to make a reservation for two people.
QI would like to bring my own water, in my own bottle, is that okay?
Yes, of course.
The water we serve at our salon (as of 9/19/2022) is unpasteurized natural hot spring water from Wakayama, but you are welcome to bring your own drinks.
You are welcome to bring your own drinks.
QI have chemical sensitivity and am concerned about the environment of the salon.
Thank you for your inquiry.
In order to make it as easy as possible for people with chemical sensitivity to use our salon with peace of mind, we do not use any fabric softeners, synthetic detergents, or air fresheners.
We do not use any fabric softeners, synthetic detergents, or air fresheners.

We have prepared an environment that is gentle to the body.
QI would like to make a reservation for two people.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
If you would like to reserve a room for more than one person, please select all the menus you would like to do for each person, and then fill in the name of the representative at the end.
Please make a reservation by entering the name of the representative at the end.